Top Development Case Study
Restructuring Customized Processes to Align with New Core Competencies
Industry: Utility
Design and implement the Performance Management structure and process for an organization with a new software platform.
Utilizing insights gained through previously completed project phases that included position analysis and development, creating and revising job descriptions, and developing core competencies, the AAG team customized a performance management structure specific to the client’s needs. The implemented process included customized tasks for the company’s and individual’s goals and linked each to the client’s new core competencies. Processes centered around ongoing communication and continued professional development were integrated into monthly, quarterly, and annual conversations. AAG successfully built the new structure directly into the client’s new performance management module and provided training to the leadership team on implementing it for maximum results.
The customized performance management system implemented by AAG allowed the teams to facilitate effective and continual communication, provided transparency and alignment, promoted professional development, and achieved individual and company goals.

Kim Jones
VP of Finance & HR Advisor
“This project stood out as the client was established more than 50 years ago. While their services and products have been revolutionary in their industry, many of their employee processes had only been updated to align with legal and compliance. Recognizing the need to meet the needs of their multi-generational workforce will impactf their retention, provide transparent and alignment conversations with the managers and reports, and help with succession planning.”