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Leisha Barnette

Leisha is a senior learning and development leader with more than 20 years’ experience. She has had a successful
career optimizing people satisfaction, communication, and collaboration in several conscious companies. She is a
masterful facilitator of transformative workshops, a perpetual learner and student of Life.
Leisha is an instructional designer, conscious facilitator and learning enthusiast with experience in designing and
facilitating everything from company-wide strategic planning, leadership development, team building, and mission, vision,
and values work to customized learning curricula and social learning. She has held roles as Director of Learning &
Development at companies of various sizes and industries and is passionate about learning that connects with the whole
human being and impacts their lives on all levels. She loves facilitating connections and conversations between
stakeholders to co-create the most effective programs and solutions for the good of all, from team-level to company-wide.
Leisha holds multiple certifications, including an Evolutionary Psychology degree and certifications in Appreciative Inquiry,
The Energy Project, Project Management, Change Management, Learning Design, the Human Design System and more.
Leisha is a lover of life. She appreciates the beauty of nature, humor, observing the world, understanding others, life
enjoyment, self-reflection and self-empowerment, and all things mysterious. She uses her experience with facilitation and
the art of the question to support, share, and empower those who invite her unique guidance and expression.